Govt seeks investor for Chunga dumpsite project
By Ruth Chayinda
Government has announced that it will advertise a tender for an investor to manage LUSAKA’s Chunga dumpsite within the next two weeks.
Local Government and Rural Development Minister GARY NKOMBO says through the bid, the investor will be able to add value to the solid waste generated in Lusaka and surrounding areas.
Mr. NKOMBO says a number of companies have shown interest to invest in the dumpsite to either produce energy or fertiliser.
He said this when Vice President MUTALE NALUMANGO visited the Chunga dumpsite in Lusaka which is one of the Engineered landfill Spanning over 25 years.
And Mrs. NALUMANGO has encouraged local investors to bid once the tender is advertised.
She said generating value from Solid Waste will contribute to the country’s economy and create jobs for Zambians.
Meanwhile, Lusaka Integrated Solid Waste Management Chief Executive Officer IMWANA MWANAMWYALE disclosed that Lusaka generates approximately 1,200 tonnes of waste daily.
Mr. MWANAMWYALE said at least 500 people rely on collecting recyclable waste at Chunga landfill for their livelihood.
And Lusaka City Council Mayor, CHILANDO CHITANGALA has welcomed Government decision to look for an investor that will work in partnership with the local authority to manage the dumpsite.