Above Normal Rains Threaten 69 Districts
By Ruth Chayinda
Sixty nine districts in Zambia are at risk of recording floods.
This is due to the normal to above normal rains experienced in the 2024/2025 rainy season.
This is according to a statement from Cabinet released to ZNBC news in Lusaka.
Chief Government Spokesperson CORNELIUS MWEETWA says so far over 659 households have been adversely affected while 159 have been displaced and are now in camps.
Mr. MWEETWA, who is also information and Media Minister, has assured that Government will continue to monitor the hazards caused by the floods.
He has also assured that Government will ensure that food is available for its citizens in the country.
The Minister further predicted that the country is likely to a have good maize harvest for its citizens following the fine rainfall pattern experienced this far.
Meanwhile, Cabinet has approved a seven member Local Authorities Superannuation Fund -LASF which will carry out the functions and manage the business and affairs of the Fund.
This follows the dissolution of the LASF board in 2022.
And Mr. MWEETWA said Cabinet also approved the implementation of the keep Zambia clean, green and health master plan which will guide the public and ensure their full participation in activities to positively impact their well being.
He also disclosed that Cabinet approved in principle to the introduction of a bill in parliament to repeal the banking and financial services Act number 7 of 2017.
This is in order to strengthen the legal and regulatory frame-work for development in the areas of financial technology, innovation and digitalization of financial services.
MEANWHILE, Mr. MWEETWA revealed that Cabinet approved the amendment of statutory instrument number 54 of 2024 on the Information and Communications Technologies to avoid increasing the cost of communication services for the consumers’ and cost of doing business for the licensees.
Another Statutory Instrument approved by Cabinet is the administration of the provincial planning appeals tribunal and issuance of the SI appointing local authorities fire officers and fire inspectors.