Government Set to Introduce Pension Bills
By Caren Mwaka
Government says the Pensions Insurance Authority and Pensions Scheme Regulatory amendment Bills will be presented to the National Assembly soon.
The Bills once enacted will address inefficiencies in finance and administration of current schemes.
Labour and Social Security Minister BRENDA TAMBATAMBA explains that this will also address grievances of both public and private entities including retirees.
She was speaking during the tripartite labour council meeting in Lusaka where she noted that collective efforts are essential to achieving the goal of the Bills.
And International Labour Organization Director for Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique WELLINGTON CHIBEBE said dialogue is essential to promoting social justice.
He said this in a speech delivered on his behalf by Organization Technical officer FELIX MWENGE.
Meanwhile Zambia Congress of Trade Unions -ZCTU- President BLAKE MULALA urged employers to respect the laws put in place to protect the interests of employees.