Cyclist Killed in Petauke Motorbike Crash
By Christopher Miti
A cyclist has died after being hit by a motorbike in Petauke District, Eastern Province.
The cyclist died on the spot when his bicycle was hit from behind by a motorbike that was heading in the same direction.
Eastern Province Police Commanding officer ROBERTSON MWEEMBA says the cyclist who has only been identified as PHIRI sustained fatal head injuries and died on the spot.
Mr. MWEEMBA said the rider GILBERT SIWO aged 30 of Moza Compound in Nyimba District also of AMZ Company sustained bruises on the forehead, upper lip, right elbow and complained of general body pains.
He said Mr. SIWO is admitted to Kalindawalo General Hospital.
Mr. MWEEMBA said the accident happened when the rider misjudged his clearing distance and speed and in the process hit the cyclist from behind.
He said the body of the deceased was deposited to Kalindawalo General Hospital mortuary awaiting postmortem and identification.