“By-elections caused by councilors joining civil service”
By Lucky Phiri
Youth, Sport and Arts Minister ELVIS NKANDU says the UPND government is NOT the one causing the ward by-elections which are being held in various parts of the country.
Mr NKANDU says the opposition is politicking by alleging that ward by-elections are caused by the UPND.
He says some councillors are quitting their positions to join the civil service on their own, hence causing the by-elections.
Mr. NKANDU said this when he addressed a meeting in Kawambwa District, Luapula Province.
And speaking at the same event, Mines Minister PAUL KABUSWE urged UPND members to embrace people that are expressing interest in joining the party.
Mr. KABUSWE said UPND members should NOT stop other people from joining the party as UPND is for everyone.