Cholera Vaccination Begins in Chililabombwe District
By Fortune Sinyangwe
The distribution of oral Cholera vaccines has started in Chililabombwe District on the Copperbelt Province.
Health Minister ELIJAH MUCHIMA says over 2,000 people in the district have so far been vaccinated against Cholera.
Dr. MUCHIMA was speaking in Kasumbalesa during the launch of the distribution of Oral cholera vaccines.
He said the vaccine is being administered to persons aged One and above; adding that the exercise will be conducted for one week.
The health minister added that the country has a total of 166 cholera confirmed cases, while the number of deaths remains at seven.
Dr. MUCHIMA further disclosed that Kasumbalesa will with immediate effect be connected to the Mulonga water supply line to ensure the area is supplied with clean water as opposed to the use of shallow wells.
He further said new toilets will be constructed in all public places of Kasumbalesa to address the poor sanitation.
And, Copperbelt Province Minister ELISHA MATAMBO directed local authorities in the province to use cash for work funds to improve water and sanitation.
Mr. MATAMBO said clearing and unblocking of drainage systems and provision of clean water in communities must be made priority.
Meanwhile, Chililabombwe Member of Parliament PAUL KABUSWE called on the community to follow preventive measures in order to combat the disease.