GCE Exams to Continue in New Curriculum
By White Luhanga
The Examinations Council of Zambia –ECZ- says the General Certificate of Education –GCE- examinations will still be offered in the new curriculum.
ECZ Executive Director, MICHAEL CHILALA says this is because people will still want to better their results.
Dr. CHILALA said this when he featured on the Edu Talkzone, a Ministry of Education information dissemination talk show.
He said the nation will be informed of the new rules for GCE examinations, as the 2023 New Curriculum has abolished Grade 9 examinations.
The ECZ Executive Director said the current rules for writing GCE examinations will have to be uplifted and clarified to avoid people abusing the qualifications.
Dr. CHILALA also revealed that the Examinations Council of Zambia is a highly credible institution, trusted by other examining bodies across Africa and globally.
Meanwhile, Dr. CHILALA disclosed that the ECZ is expected to host the 50th Conference for the International Association for Educational Assessments in September this year.