Govt to issue land offer letters to settlers in Kitwe’s Chantete
By Musenge Mulimba
The government will start issuing offer letters to the eight hundred Minsundu settlers in Kitwe’s Chantete area.
Lands Minister, Sylvia Masebo, says the eight hundred shortlisted settlers will be given 15 by 25 plots each in the Chantete area, which is a farming block.
Speaking after meeting the settlers in Kitwe, Ms. Masebo urged the council, councilors, and area Member of Parliament to quickly verify the lists so the ministry can start issuing offer letters as soon as possible.
Ms. Masebo further said the list of the farmers set to get one hectare each needs to be verified before a decision to give out offer letters is made.
Former Lands Minister, Elijah Muchima, said settlers who have built on land that is not theirs will have the structures demolished as per resolution made before he changed ministries.
Meanwhile, Copperbelt Province Minister, Elisha Matambo, said it is time the Chantete land saga was put to an end.