HELSB Awards Loans to 466 More Students
By Arnold Tutu
The Higher Education Loans and Scholarships Board –HELSB- has awarded additional student loans to 466 students at the University of Zambia -UNZA- and Kapasa Makasa University.
HELSB Manager Corporate Communications and Customer Services, CHISELWA KAWANDA, says the Loans Committee approved the awards on February 19, 2025.
“At the University of Zambia, 169 first-year students who appealed, 247 post-first year self-funded students, and 25 students upgraded to full funding have been awarded loans,” she said.
Ms. KAWANDA added that 25 students at Kapasa Makasa University have also been granted loans after their appeals.
This brings the total number of students on loan support to 5,235 at UNZA and 430 at Kapasa Makasa University for the 2025 academic year.