‘JAY JAY’ BANDA’s Wife Fined K6,000 for Causing Death
By Christopher Miti
The Chipata High Court has fined former Petauke Central Member of Parliament EMMANUEL JAY BANDA’s wife MUKUKA MUMBA, six thousand kwacha for causing death by dangerous driving.
Chipata resident Judge MERCY MAKUBALO fined Ms. MUMBA after she pleaded guilty to one count of causing death by dangerous driving.
Judge MAKUBALO ruled that the fine should be paid forthwith or in default six months imprisonment.
She also suspended her driver’s licence for six months.
According to facts presented by State advocate YVONNE NACHANDE, Ms. MUMBA of Ibex Hill township in Lusaka caused the death of BLESSINGS CHANDA aged 5, in Chipata’s Madzimoyo area on the Great East Road on June 1, 2022.
The convict who was driving a Range Rover registration number BAR 3626 lost control of the vehicle due to excessive speed and hit the pedestrian who had already crossed the road.
In mitigation, Legal Aid Counsel FIDELIS MWAULUKA said the convict was the first offender who readily pleaded guilty.
He said as a sign of contrition, the convict contributed 6,000 Kwacha towards the funeral and later 20,000 Kwacha to cushion the family from the loss.
Judge MAKUBALO said she considered the mitigation but noted that the vehicle had no insurance cover and road tax which are aggravating circumstances in the matter.
She said when people disregard laws, it leads to anarchy.