JJ Banda denied bail
By Christopher Miti
The Chipata High Court has dismissed an application by Petauke Central Member of Parliament EMMANUEL JAY BANDA for a constitutional bail.
Mr BANDA is charged with aggravated robbery and attempted murder and was recently committed to the High Court for summary trial.
Mr BANDA’s Defence lawyer DAVID BANDA from JMP Associates applied for constitutional bail on grounds that there has been unreasonable delay in the matter and because of the accused’s ill health.
In her ruling , Chipata High Court resident judge MERCY MAKUBALO said that there had been no delays in the matter.
Judge MAKUBALO said that the cause listing of cases is done by taking into consideration the cases that have been awaiting trial for a long time.
She said that cases are dealt with according to the dates on the dockets adding that cause listing is effectively dealt with accordingly.
Judge MAKUBALO said that she agreed with the state that health issues are not grounds for determining admission to constitutional bail.
In this matter the state was represented by Deputy Chief State Advocate RICHARD MASEMPELA and Senior State Advocate NCHIMUNYA MUNKOMBWE.
Mr BANDA is alleged to have attacked journalist PETER SUKWA on 14 December 2015 in Vubwi District and robbed him of a camera, valued at 10,000 Kwacha , spectacles valued at K1 800, two ATM cards, voice recorder and cash amounting to K200.
All the stolen items are valued at 13,000 Kwacha .