Musika supports 430,000 Farmers with finance
NAIS-MUSIKA with financial support from the Swedish government has engaged over 430,000 smallholder farmers in agricultural innovations and financing.
MUSIKA Vice Board Chairperson Cris Muyunda says the 52 million US dollars from the Swedish Government has also enabled MUSIKA to link over 412,000 smallholder farmers to markets.
Dr MUYUNDA says the smallholder farmers in Zambia have continued to grapple with limited access to markets and negative impact of climate change, hence MUSIKA’s interventions.
He explained that MUSIKA has enhanced market access to farmers in order to transform Zambia’s agricultural land scape and reduce poverty and hunger.
Dr MUYUNDA said this in Lusaka, during MUSIKA’s Stakeholder’s Conference on the impact of MUSIKA’s Development approach and Lesson Learnt.
And Embassy of Sweden in Zambia Head of Development Cooperation SUSANNA HUGHES has praised the government for creating an enabling environment for private sector growth.
Meanwhile, Agriculture Permanent Secretary for administration YVONNE MPUNDU who was represented by Ministry’s Deputy Director Agribusiness PETER ZULU appreciated MUSIKA’s interventions as they resonate well with the government’s desire of improving rural livelihoods.