Nine PF seats declared vacant
By Hannock Kasama
Nine Patriotic Front -PF- Parliamentary Seats have been nullified and declared vacant by the National Assembly.
The affected Members of Parliament are BRIAN MUNDUBILE of Mporokoso, STEPHEN KAMPYONGO of Shiwang’andu, REMEMBER MUTALE of Chitambo, RONALD CHITOTELA of Pambashe and MULENGA FUBE of Chilubi.
Others are MUTOTWE KAFWAYA of Lunte, CHRISTOPHER KANGOMBE of Kamfinsa and MPAKATA MUSONDA of Lupososhi.
Second Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly MOSES MOYO announced the vacancy of the nine PF Parliament Seats in the National Assembly today.
Mr. MOYO made a ruling on the point of order raised by Information and Media Minister CORNELIUS MWEETWA last week.
Mr. MWEETWA wanted to know why the nine PF Parliamentarians had continued to attend the National Assembly when they were expelled by their Party.
He relied on former PF Secretary General MORGAN NG’ONA’s correspondences to the National Assembly that the nine PF members of Parliament were expelled.