No more extensions for water contracts-Nzovu
Minister of Water and Sanitation COLLINS NZOVU has ordered contractors and water utilities to finish all water sanitation projects in time.
Mr. NZOVU says there will be no extension of water projects and erring contractors and water utilities will face consequences.
He says the country is under a state of emergency because of the dry spell and that the government expects water companies and contractors to work 24 /7 to resolve the water crisis facing some parts of the country because of the dry spell.
Speaking during a tour of water and sanitation projects in Chililabombwe, Mr. NZOVU also called on the public not to throw waste in sewer lines as this could lead to cholera outbreaks.
China Hernan International Company is the contractor working on the rehabilitation of the over thirty-thousand-cubic- litre capacity Mulonga Water and Sanitation Company Kafue Raw Water Intake.
And China Henan International Cooperation Group representative ZHOU XIAOZHAN has promised to work together with Mulonga Water and Sanitation Company to quickly speed up rehabilitation works on the Kafue Raw Water intake.
Meanwhile, Chililabombwe District Commissioner PRECIOUS NJEKWA and Mayor LUCKY SICHONE said the familiarisation tour by the Minister of Water and Sanitation to the district will yield positive results in ending the water challenge in the district.