PACRA Collects K147m in Revenue
By Ruth Chayinda
The Patents and Companies Registration Agency -PACRA- last year collected over 147 million Kwacha in revenue.
This is against a target of 105.9 Million Kwacha.
PACRA Registrar and Chief Executive Officer BENSON MPALO says this is an increase from the 2023 collection of 107 million kwacha.
Mr MPALO also disclosed that the Agency was able to collect over 116 Million Kwacha from the commercial services which included registration of businesses and filing of annual returns among others.
Mr MPALO says this is against the Over 70 Million Kwacha target representing a 65 percent increase.
In an interview with ZNBC News, Mr MPALO said the agency collected over 30 Million Kwacha income from Intellectual Property services.