President HICHILEMA Concerned Over Chambishi Pollution
By Teverai Dzeka
President HAKAINDE HICHILEMA is concerned with the Sino Metals pollution incident in Chambishi on the Copperbelt and safety of the people in the region.
Mines Minister PAUL KABUSWE has disclosed.
He says it is unfortunate that Sino Metals tailings dam collapsed and polluted Mwambashi stream and Kafue River with acid.
Speaking during a meeting with Sino Metals in Chambishi, Mr. KABUSWE said government will quickly take action against the mine if it is found at fault in the pollution incident.
And Copperbelt Minister ELISHA MATAMBO said the Sino Metals tailings dam collapse has not just affected water supply to the Kalulushi and Kitwe residents but Mpongwe residents as well.
Mr. MATAMBO has called on the mine to also give support to affected communities in Mpongwe.
Meanwhile, Sino Metals Assistant Chief Executive Officer, MARTIN AMUKUSANA said the mine is working closely with the affected communities amid the pollution crisis to ensure they have access to clean water and food.
Mr. AMUKUSANA adds that the mine had stopped adding lime to the Mwambashi stream after the PH level of the water showed signs of improvement.
Earlier Sino Metals Chairperson PEI WEN ZHANG apologized to President HICHILEMA and the Zambian people for the pollution which destroyed maize fields and affected water supply for thousands of people.