Shallow Wells to be buried in Chililabombwe
By Teverai Dzeka
Government has ordered the burying of all shallow wells in Chililabombwe and Kasumbalesa border post to help contain the spread of cholera.
Health Minister ELIJAH MUCHIMA says the government is also working to immediately drill boreholes in the district and increase surveillance for cholera by putting up a barrier from Kasumbalesa that will see people on vehicles being disinfected before leaving the border area.
Speaking during a courtesy call on Chililabombwe District Commissioner PRECIOUS NJEKWA, Dr. MUCHIMA called on the local authority, the private sector and the Ministry of Health to work together in containing cholera in the district.
And Ms. NJEKWA said the cumulative cholera cases in Chililabombwe now stand at 117, with 7 deaths, while 85 have been discharged and 23 are admitted to the cholera centres.
Meanwhile, Copperbelt Provincial Health Director CHARLES MWINUNA called on the public in Chililabombwe to always rush to the nearest health facility once they show symptoms of cholera rather than depending on self treatment at home.
Dr. MWINUNA said it is sad that the seven lives that have been lost are due to people deciding to stay home and opting for self treatment.