Voting underway in Lilondo
By Moombe Haamobola
Voting is also under way in Shangombo’s Lilondo Ward by-election in Western Province.
All the 3 polling stations in the ward opened at 06:00hrs and registered a good turnout.
A check at Lyamaya polling station found that 165 people had voted by 09:50 out of the 485 registered voters.
And at Shalitata Polling Station, close to half of the registered voters had voted by 10:00hrs.
177 people had voted out of the 354 registered voters.
And a check at Lilondo Polling Station found that 210 electorates had voted by 10:40 out of the 804 registered voters.
Meanwhile Lioma Mukena, who was the first to vote at Lilondo Polling Station, says he decided to vote because he understands that it is his right.
Mr. Mukena says it’s through voting that residents can see development in their area.