WFP,JICA to empower 40,00 rice producers
By Mary Kachepa
The World Food Programme (WFP) has signed a collaborative agreement with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to empower 40,000 rice-producing smallholder farmers.
The agreement is meant to enhance productivity and access to markets among the farmers.
WFP Country Director, Cissy Kabasuga, says WFP will collaborate with JICA to empower rice-producing households by enhancing their access to finance and financial literacy through village lending and savings associations.
Speaking during the signing ceremony in Lusaka today, Ms. Kabasuga said the agreement also aims to increase incomes for smallholder farmers in the rice value chain development to meet the expectations of the market.
JICA Chief Representative, Tateyama Jotaro, said the primary focus of the agreement is the development of the rice value chain and potentially other crops through activities leveraging the strength of both parties.
Mr. Jotaro said JICA’s support for rice cultivation is part of the broader strategy to diversify the country’s agricultural production.