Zambia and DRC Govts Meet to Resolve Kasumbalesa Border Truck Crisis
By Tevarai Dzeka
The Zambian and the Congolese governments are meeting to find a solution to the thousands of marooned trucks at the Kasumbalesa border on the Zambian side.
Commerce and Industry Minister Chipoka Mulenga and Copperbelt Minister Elisha Matambo are leading a delegation of government officials at the meeting to be held on the Zambian side of the border.
Over 1,700 trucks have been parked along the Chingola-Chililabombwe-Kasumbalesa road, and about 1,400 trucks are parked at the Zambia Revenue Authority truck park in Kasumbalesa.
Mr. Mulenga said the delays in allowing the trucks to cross are because the DRC government has introduced a new electronic seal system, which requires every cleared truck to get one, and the introduction of a new team to manage the transiting of trucks at the border.
He said that the Zambian government is concerned with the situation at the border and will do everything possible to resolve the problem.
Meanwhile, Copperbelt Minister Elisha Matambo said the provincial administration is doing what it takes to ensure that the truck drivers are provided with water and portable toilets as the two governments meet to discuss their welfare.
Mr. Matambo said it is clear that the problem is on the DRC side of the border because of the introduction of a new team to manage the trucks going into and out of the DRC.
The two ministers said this when they engaged SADC Drivers Association President Eugene Ndhlovu and his team.
Mr. Ndhlovu urged the two governments to quickly address the problem so that the drivers can start moving.