Zambia, DRC form committee to implement resolutions
By Hector Simfukwe
Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo – DRC – have formed a committee that will ensure that the resolutions of the meeting between the two countries regarding the operations of the borders are respected.
Among the resolutions is for Zambia to open the borders and for the DRC to allow goods from Zambia without restriction.
According to a Communiqué signed by the two countries, the committee will have to report back on progress made.
Yesterday, Commerce Minister, CHIPOKA MULENGA and Copperbelt Minister ELISHA MATAMBO were in Lubumbashi, to meet the DRC Minister of External trade JULIEN PALUKU over the closure of the borders between the two countries.
The DRC had banned Zambian Cement, Bread and Some beverages from entering their country which led to protests, prompting the closure of Kasumbalesa, Mokambo and Sakania border.
But, following yesterday’s meeting the two governments made a number of resolutions which they both agreed to follow.