SADC Wants SME’s Intergrated in Formal Economy
The Southern African Development Community -SADC- Employment and Labour Sector, has urged member states to consider integrating small to medium enterprises -SMEs- into the formal economy.
SADC notes that SMEs are forces in employment-generation and transformation, within the African region.
The Regional body says countries must tackle informality in the labour market, which currently stands at 85.5 percent in Africa, according to the International Labour Organisation -ILO.
This call to action was made during the SADC Senior officials meeting, being held in Victoria Falls Town, Zimbabwe.
The is a preparatory session for the Meeting of Ministers of Employment and Labour, and Social Partners, scheduled to take place on March 27, 2025.
Chairperson of the SADC Employment and Labour Sector, SIMON MASANGA, who is also Permanent Secretary for Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare in Zimbabwe, said the informal economy deprives workers of social protection, fair wages, and adequate working
AND, Zambia’s Ministry of Labour and Social Security Permanent Secretary, ZECHARIAH LUHANGA, said the country has made progress in reviewing the National Employment Policy to address informality in the labour market.
Meanwhile, Zambia Congress of Trade Unions -ZCTU- President, BLAKE MULALA, emphasized the need for workers to be protected by Labour laws and to have access to social security.
This is according to a statement issued to ZNBC News by Ministry of Labour and Social Security Principle Public Relations Officer MWAKA NDAWA.