Zambia and DRC Agree to Clear 500 Trucks Daily to Ease Border Congestion
By Teverai Dzeka
Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo -DRC- have agreed to allow clear at least 500 trucks per day, as a measure the marooned vehicles at the Kasumbalesa border on the Copperbelt.
The agreement has been made, following the congestion at the border post, caused by the over 3,000 marooned trucks on the Zambian side.
Katanga Governor, JAQUES KATWE says another mitigation measure is to increase the workings hours for customs officers from 6 hours to 20 hours, at Kasumbalesa, Mokambo and Sakanya border posts.
Speaking during a meeting held in Chililabombwe, Mr KATWE has also praised the continued good working relationship between Zambia and the DRC.
And Commerce Minister, CHIPOKA MULENGA said the two countries had a productive meeting aimed at reducing congestion on the Zambian side.
Mr MULENGA said government is happy that the Congolese government has shown willingness to improve the border situation .
Meanwhile, Copperbelt Province Minister, ELISHA MATAMBO expressed happiness that truck drivers will now start moving into the DRC without problems .